Smith met his Swedish wife while on a scouting trip for Detroit in Stockholm.
They had been devoted to Queen Astrid, his Swedish wife, and her death in a car accident in 1935 prompted great public grief.
He separated from his Swedish second wife, Bitten, in 2007.
Staykov lives and teaches acting in Stockholm, with his Swedish wife, an opera singer.
Grönvold's Swedish wife Josefine joined him a year later.
"Don't forget to start the lamb, Bob," his Swedish wife, Eva, hollered from the living room.
They are, in the words of the flashy Swedish second wife of one of them, "an old hat."
Delaney asked, referring to the deputy's beautiful Swedish wife.
Arya divorced his Swedish American wife and reconverted to Hinduism in the late 1920s.
Marie was the daughter of a Dutch seafarer whose Swedish wife had died.