In a 9-0 decision, the court affirmed the lower court's ruling.
The court affirmed the lower court's ruling with a 6-3 vote.
That decision was appealed but a higher court affirmed it last month.
The Court affirmed that under the exceptional regime of art.
The Court has affirmed it often, with majority, but not unanimous, support.
In 2012, a higher court affirmed the lower court's 2010 decision for the public schools and the case was dismissed on its merits.
Rather than "taking the abortion issue from the people," the Court has affirmed the people's right to live as each believes moral and best.
"The court clearly affirmed the right of families on welfare to have benefits which meet living expenses and keep them within their own homes."
And too many lawyers consider their job done when the highest court of any state has affirmed the conviction.
It may seem odd that this court would affirm the right to privacy.