On the opposite bank of the river, Superior Avenue climbs a hill past the Evergreen Cemetery at the top.
When Frank was four years old, he moved with his parents to 1710 Superior Avenue in Tomah, Wisconsin, where they operated their family general store.
The building is located on the corner of Huron Road and Superior Avenue.
It consists of a large open space, cut into quadrants by Ontario Street and Superior Avenue.
The main drag was called Superior Avenue.
The first location of the school was at East 51st Street and Superior Avenue in Cleveland.
The Federal Building formed one half of the Mall's termination at Superior Avenue.
It is located in the city's North Side neighborhood at 1437 Superior Avenue.
However, in 1925 the interior of that church was damaged by fire, prompting the current church to be built on Superior Avenue in 1927.
The congregation moved into the larger stone structure in the Gothic style on Superior Avenue in 1855.