Ijdebrine is a Sunni Muslim village in Koura District of Lebanon with a large Maronite community.
He sent his men into the Sunni villages around Balad to kick down doors and detain their angry young men.
Later, he led about 150 of his men on house-to-house searches for insurgents in a Sunni village outside of town.
I accompanied Sassaman and his men on one search through a Sunni village in October 2003, and I was able to witness the dynamic on my own.
Some of the resistance was passive: whenever American soldiers showed up in a Sunni village looking for insurgents, the locals, more often than not, just stood and shrugged.
Attacks in the Sunni villages like Abu Hishma, wrapped in barbed wire, dropped sharply.
Badebhoun is a Sunni Muslim village in Koura District of Lebanon.
The population grows at a steadily, although at a substantially lower rate than the surrounding Alawite and Sunni Muslim villages.
Kelbata is a Maronite and Sunni Muslim village in Koura District of Lebanon.
Nakhleh is a Sunni Muslim village with some Maronites in the Koura District of Lebanon.