Rapid population growth in the Sunbelt states of Florida and the Southwest has led to bifurcated political cultures in which newcomers are challenging the accepted order.
African Americans are moving South, and Hispanics North - meeting in, and swelling the numbers of, the Sunbelt states.
Members of Congress from Sunbelt states acknowledge that there may be theoretical justifications for adjusting the data.
Raymond Zimmerman, CEO was attracted to Wilson's stores to gain a firmer foothold in the Sunbelt states.
As the 1990s progressed, expansion of the Advantage brand continued throughout the U.S. into the Sunbelt states and major leisure airport markets.
What's worse, power has tilted toward the Sunbelt states.
He said that boots are leading the way in most markets except in the Sunbelt states, where sandals that lace up the calves are selling strongly.
What attracts investors to the company, which has 550 stores in 19 Sunbelt states, is more than spark plugs and batteries.
In the Sunbelt states, they can't build them fast enough.
Take, for example, California, Texas and Florida, the three most rapidly growing Sunbelt states.