There he decided to follow the Sufi path and found a guide, or Mushid, to teach him the Sufi beliefs.
In short, cleansing of the Qalb or heart is a necessary spiritual discipline for travellers on the Sufi path.
The murshid's role is to guide and instruct the disciple on the Sufi path, by general lessons (called suhbas) and individual guidance.
Quinn's music is heavily influenced by, and expressive of, spiritual traditions, notably the Sufi path, Christian mysticism and the Kabbalah.
Another closely related but not identical concept is tazkiah-al-qalb, or cleansing of the heart, which is also a necessary spiritual discipline for travelers on the Sufi path.
In his role as Sufi shaykh, which began in 1453, Jami expounded a number of teachings regarding following the Sufi path.
In contrast, most other Sufi paths trace their lineage through Ali.
His initial work from 1990 to 2000, including his first eleven books, was to make the Sufi path more accessible to the Western seeker.
In Sufism a Pir's role is to guide and instruct his disciples on the Sufi path.
Some schools of Sufism in Western countries allow non-Muslims to receive "instructions on following the Sufi path".