Chadians are desperately poor themselves, but they share what little food and water is available with the Sudanese refugees.
The agreement would not enable Sudanese refugees to benefit from educational, medical, or social benefits entitled to native citizens.
The man, a Sudanese refugee, announced that his wife had just given birth, and the boy would be honored with the visitor's name.
Then there were the choices faced by the Sudanese refugees I interviewed.
The Rogerses have since gone on to sponsor many other Sudanese refugees.
He is the only doctor for 40,000 refugees; the other doctor, a Sudanese refugee, has become ill.
Chad is now host to nearly 180,000 Sudanese refugees.
Thirdly, it would eventually facilitate the return of Sudanese refugees.
But it's for a good cause: this time, the money goes to benefit Kosovan and Sudanese refugees.
And, he said, perhaps to get involved in political and humanitarian efforts to help Sudanese refugees.