Some McRae Spyders are powered by a Subaru engine.
More recently, some enthusiast have turned to lighter weight water-cooled engines such as the Subaru engine or Ford ecotech engines.
The Subaru engine drives a five blade propeller of radius 950 mm (37.4 in), its tips passing close to the fuselage beam.
Note that AVLS is different from AVCS used on other Subaru engines.
The "Sport" mode allows the engine to run at higher speeds and increases fuel efficiency by 5 percent in comparison to Subaru engines without the feature.
Before the race, the Coloni team ended their involvement with the uncompetitive Subaru engine.
Because room is hard to come by in the Subaru engine compartment, engineers designed their new six-cylinder to be less than an inch longer than the four.
Early in 1990, a handful of Enzo Coloni's mechanics worked on a single C3 and tried to put the Subaru engine in it.
A four-blade version of the A160 flew in November 2002 using a Subaru four-cylinder engine.
The Hummingbird made its first flight in January 2002, using a 4-cylinder Subaru engine.