I stared down into the Stygian depths.
Amid Stygian depths, Harry became conscious that he was being dragged upward by his three captors.
As he stared, the old attorney caught a momentary glimmer that gave the illusion of burning eyes gazing from Stygian depths.
Somewhere in the Stygian depth of the audience, a monster chuckled.
He was being conducted through an outer room, into the Stygian depths of an inner office.
The staircase he had fully expected to see dropped into the stygian depths and he smiled.
It was inconceivable, said the critics, that human beings could tolerate the ordeal of hurtling through its Stygian depths.
Blade, sweating in the stygian depths, emitted a few choice HD words and began to climb again.
She paused and shivered in the cool air that rose from the stygian depths.
Then his mind tore free and went soaring down and away, through Stygian depths that went on endlessly, toward some unknown goal.