During the week of April 16, 2012 - April 20, 2012 a Student Vote was conducted at participating Alberta schools to parallel the 2012 Alberta general election results.
The young Mr. Fish left Harvard after two years and, with, Morris Abram Jr., the son of the noted lawyer, worked to form the NationalMovement for the Student Vote, which was organized after passage of the 26th Amendment, giving 18-year-olds the vote.
In 1975, a California court ruled that the University of California at Los Angeles could bar members of a National Movement for the Student Vote from door-to-door dormitory registration efforts.
On November 19, 2004 a Student Vote was conducted at participating Alberta schools to parallel the 2004 Alberta general election results.
While at Harvard University in 1971, Fish co-founded the National Movement for the Student Vote with Morris Abram, Jr.