But "A Good Scent From a Strange Mountain" is remarkable not for its flaws, but for how beautifully it achieves its daring project of making the Vietnamese real.
His novels all sold fewer than 5,000 copies, and there are only 10,000 copies of "A Good Scent From a Strange Mountain" in print.
Mr. Butler, 56, earned the Pulitzer in fiction for a collection of short stories, "A Good Scent From a Strange Mountain" (Grove).
Mr. Butler was nominated for "A Good Scent From a Strange Mountain" (Henry Holt), which won this year's Pulitzer Prize for fiction.
A Good Scent from a Strange Mountain by Robert Olen Butler (Henry Holt)
A Good Scent from a Strange Mountain is a 1992 collection of short stories by Robert Olen Butler.
"A Good Scent from a Strange Mountain" is the final story.
His short-story collection A Good Scent from a Strange Mountain was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for fiction in 1993.
In 1993, his first story collection, A Good Scent from a Strange Mountain, won the Pulitzer Prize for fiction.
A Good Scent from a Strange Mountain (1992)