The show offers a standard outline, proceeding from the Ashcan artists and the Stieglitz circle, through Abstract Expressionism and Minimalism, to New Image, Neo-Expressionism and Conceptualism.
There are also excellent pieces by artists of the Ash Can School, Stieglitz circle and a bevy of Pop and Abstract Expressionist painters.
Other artists in the Stieglitz circle kept their distance, especially when told people that there were only three indisputably great modern painters: Cezanne, Rousseau, and himself.
Like Davis, Neel in her early work operates fruitfully in the gap between the pioneering American modernists of the Stieglitz circle and the Abstract Expressionists.
Another member of the Stieglitz circle visiting Paris that July was Agnes Meyer, whom de Zayas took to see Picasso's latest works.
The artists of the Stieglitz circle - Georgia O'Keeffe, Arthur Dove, Marsden Hartley, John Marin, Charles Demuth and Alfred Maurer - are in evidence.
Beyond the Stieglitz circle, many of the collection's bright spots are to be found in odd, transitional works.
"Significant Others" reminds us that O'Keeffe was not the only female artist in the Stieglitz circle, or the only woman to evolve a style of slightly abstracted realism focusing on plant forms.
The politics of the Stieglitz circle are cast in an especially nasty light by Torr's biographical note, which reveals that Stieglitz (perhaps to protect O'Keeffe from competition?)