Robert Patrick Meuser, (born March 4, 1981) was raised in Stewart Manor, New York.
He and Mayor Joseph Troiano of Stewart Manor said the problem is more noticeable in the warmer months because people have windows open.
Four villages - Bellrose Floral Park, Floral Park South and Stewart Manor - decided to share their station and programming.
"I love being in TV," said the 6-year-old from Stewart Manor, while his mother, Mary Jane, snapped still pictures of her son.
The village of New Hyde Park borders on the villages of Floral Park, Stewart Manor and Garden City.
"I went to the big shops and to where they were cleaning off platforms at Stewart Manor on the Hempstead," Mr. McIver said.
Most students who attend live in the villages of Floral Park and Stewart Manor, New York.
Stewart Manor is a village in Nassau County, New York in the United States.
In 1937, they built their first three cape homes in Stewart Manor.
Contrary to its name, the station is not within the limits of the village of Stewart Manor.