But soon after Steven Jobs took over as interim chief executive in July 1997, the patent claims, the Office development issue and others were settled.
In a similar fashion, Steven Jobs described the Macintosh as an 'insanely great' product, which will 'make a difference'.
Steven Jobs built his own computer company from scratch and became a multimillionaire before his thirtieth birthday.
But not Apple's co-founder and chief executive, Steven Jobs.
Many people in the computer industry are skeptical that Next Inc., the company started by Steven Jobs in 1985, will survive.
At a computer industry conference last year, he got into a nasty spat with Steven Jobs, the chairman of Next Inc.
The whole thing was elaborately choreographed, with Steven Jobs walking onto the stage, carrying a black bag that he placed on a pedestal.
When the company said no, he teamed with another young man, Steven Jobs, and founded Apple Computer in a garage.
Steven Jobs really does seem to have revived Apple, which has now had two profitable quarters in a row.
Two young men who devoured the 1971 article were Steven Jobs and Stephen Wozniak.