They recently bought a 52,000-square-foot property on Northern Boulevard at Steinway Street.
Outside a mosque on Steinway Street late yesterday morning, a man stood with a homemade placard that read, "Get out of our country."
The full-time side on Steinway Street near Broadway has two street stairs.
A Robbins health and beauty-aid store had been a fixture on Steinway Street for years.
Its main office is at 28-22 Steinway Street in Astoria.
Investigators said signs at some stations - including the Steinway Street stop - put the first car too close to the stop arm.
About then, he saw Tony Love standing in the middle of Steinway Street.
But their name remains on Steinway Street, and company officials say that most of the 450 workers at the plant still live in the neighborhood.
The restaurant, which originally opened four years ago in a Queens bar, moved last summer to more cheerful quarters on Steinway Street.
Construction on the project, at a 23-acre site north of Steinway Street, is scheduled to begin by next summer and finish by 2006.