On 23 October 200 domestic helpers organised a candlelight vigil at Statue Square in support of the case.
The warriors met at Statue Square in downtown Hong Kong.
They killed an hour, driving aimlessly and doubling back to Statue Square every ten or fifteen minutes for another look around.
It divides Statue Square into a southern and a northern sections.
The parallel tradition for Filipina domestic workers is to congregate around Statue Square in Central.
This area is now only uncommonly referred to as part of Statue Square.
In addition, statues of royalty and colonial administrators located outside of Statue Square included:
C Map Don't be fooled by the name: Statue Square isn't full of statues.
One such example can still be seen today in Hong Kong at Statue Square.
The lions were temporarily moved on 4 June 1982 to Statue Square, opposite main entrance.