The move will complicate the coming visit by Secretary of State Warren Christopher.
Secretary of State Warren Christopher has not made up his mind, a senior aide said.
He will be accompanied by Secretary of State Warren Christopher, among others.
Last month it was Secretary of State Warren Christopher's turn.
Nothing about Secretary of State Warren Christopher's son being on his payroll.
The memo never made its way up to Secretary of State Warren Christopher.
He has been mentioned as a possible successor to Secretary of State Warren Christopher.
If Secretary of State Warren Christopher had said it, he would have seemed uncomfortable.
So he encourages Secretary of State Warren Christopher to step out front.
"This is an important development," said Secretary of State Warren Christopher.
The move will complicate the coming visit by Secretary of State Warren Christopher.
Secretary of State Warren Christopher has not made up his mind, a senior aide said.
He will be accompanied by Secretary of State Warren Christopher, among others.
Last month it was Secretary of State Warren Christopher's turn.
Nothing about Secretary of State Warren Christopher's son being on his payroll.
The memo never made its way up to Secretary of State Warren Christopher.
He has been mentioned as a possible successor to Secretary of State Warren Christopher.
If Secretary of State Warren Christopher had said it, he would have seemed uncomfortable.
So he encourages Secretary of State Warren Christopher to step out front.
"This is an important development," said Secretary of State Warren Christopher.