"But given that he did much the same job in the state teachers' system, that's one of his best recommendations."
The program ended in 1924 with the advent of state teacher's colleges and licensing standards.
Worse, they related the testimony of a state teachers' union spokesman in opposition to the legislation.
The state teachers' union, for example, spent $1.17 million on lobbying and $402,000 on campaign contributions.
Within weeks the group, joined by the state teachers' association, was chanting "recall" outside the Governor's mansion.
In 1963 has ended istoriko-philological faculty of the Chechen state teacher's college.
The average teacher in the district earns $46,000 per year, as opposed to the state average teacher's salary of $34,000.
And at the opening of the hospital, and then at the state teacher's convention.
And last-minute lobbying by a state teachers' union blocked a bill to ban smoking anywhere in public schools.
Under his leadership, the state established a teacher training school for blacks in Frankfort and created a state teacher's organization.