It had previously been a "state reserve", similar to a park but with less development.
There are private properties and a state reserve next to the lake.
In total more than 2,5% of Azerbaijan is under protection by the government as state reserve.
Borrowing more from state reserves and private investors might provide a fix.
Return to Russia from foreign banks the state financial reserves and use them for economic and social development.
To hold gold and manage the state reserves of gold.
All of them are ready for their assignments and will work hard to build a state military reserve that everyone will admire.
In this way, the state reserves for itself the power to define hate speech and, conversely, the limits of acceptable discourse.
By March 1865 conscription was to be administered by generals of the state reserves calling out men over 45 and under 18 years old.
The purpose of sovereign wealth funds is to invest surplus state reserves to yield profits.