Her first collection, Star Game, won the Iowa Short Fiction Award.
The game was released in Europe on October 12, 2007 by Rising Star Games.
Rising Star Games released the game in North America and Europe on May 15, 2012.
It was released in Europe on September 30, 2011 by Rising Star Games.
The same month, Rising Star Games announced that they would also release an English version in Europe some time in the first quarter of 2012.
Star Games was a television series which ran in weekly syndication from September 7, 1985 to March 1, 1986.
Rising Star Games (Harvest Moon main series only)
Brittany and Bruce Jenner hosted the sports show Star Games.
It was the 1964 All- Star Game in Boston.
Rising Star Games confirmed the release date at October 28, 2011 in Europe.