The Stanford Band, for example, has "mugs" with sometimes up to a decade of musical education playing instruments such as a kitchen sink or satellite dish.
The Stanford Band accidentally rushed the field during the Big Game against rival Cal, mistakenly believing the game was over.
The Dollies appear at all sporting events and school/community rallies with the Stanford Band and Tree.
Members of the Stanford Band had come onto the field midway through the return, believing that the game was over, which added to the ensuing confusion and folklore.
Others blamed the loss on the Stanford Band.
The mascot of the Stanford Band is the "Stanford Tree."
The Stanford Band has a short appearance in Police Academy 4: Citizens on Patrol.
Art Barnes never set out to 'manage' the Stanford Band.
The Tree was stolen again in 2003, but was returned the next day due to threats of legal action from both the Stanford Band and school administrators.
The Stanford Band performs a cover as part of their standard repertoire.