He said he wanted to give Springfield residents a chance to comment on the settlement.
Less successful, however, was an appeal from one Springfield resident and town employee who cultivates bees as a hobby.
Other Springfield residents follow his lead (as Carl notes, "Rich guys always want what's best for everyone!")
Klutho was a well respected Springfield resident.
Many Springfield residents have complained for years about the smell; more recently, they have begun to worry about contaminated water.
Mr. Chrzan, also a Springfield resident, studied set building and costume design in college.
Another dispute was immediately created when the charter of the town prevented it from taxing the property of Springfield residents within its boundaries.
They invite Homer and many Springfield residents to watch an orientation film.
The balloting by Springfield residents on Tuesday was a revote.
At about this time, numerous summer type vacation homes were built for Springfield residents who vacationed in Hampden.