Spending will increase $19 million in areas like human rights and drug control.
He said spending had increased by 43pc over the last 13 years.
Public spending has increased by 27% annually during the past five years.
Military spending increased gradually, especially in the last 10 years.
Between 1908 and 1913, the military spending of the European powers increased by 50 percent.
Spending increased from an average of $313.59 per tourist, to $457.09, during the same period.
As a share of federal budget, mandatory spending has increased over time.
But in those years, from 2000 to 2003, total federal spending has increased slightly more than 20 percent, to $2.16 trillion last year.
In 2010, the District's per pupil spending had increased to $15,000.
Military spending, measured in the same way, has increased substantially.