Spencer Finch's big aluminum foil funnel is for listening for extraterrestrial communications.
The artists' tape is not so much a sendup of the Met's tour as a "democratic alternative," said Spencer Finch, a painter who, with Paul Ramirez, a sculptor, created the project.
Spencer Finch, Tom Sachs, Joe Coleman, Tony Fitzpatrick, Jonathan Monk and Benjamin Cottam are among the artists that Mr. Cartin has recently collected in depth.
Spencer Finch takes viewers on a journey - equal parts psycho-autobiography, travel log and science experiment - to demonstrate that even with light and eyes, vision doesn't give you unmediated access to the world.
Another striking relationship involves two shallow cardboard boxes hung like paintings by Spencer Finch, who is known for his fertile conceptual ideas.
Chul Hyun Ahn is a member of a group of young light artists including Olafur Eliasson, Ivan Navarro, Spencer Finch, and Leo Villareal.
Spencer Finch's drawings often have no images at all, just a title that explains their blankness such as, "The Most Beautiful Word in the English Language (written in invisible ink)."
For example, the first gallery of Spencer Finch's show at Postmasters contains only a semicircular wall of electric fans turning on and off at random.
Spencer Finch (born 1962 in New Haven, Connecticut) is an American artist.
Spencer Finch, for example, discovered his art form on one of those hot August days when the canal is particularly noticeable.