(Speaker Jim Wright quit under an ethics attack in 1989 before the process reached that stage.)
Speaker Jim Wright won't say whether he'll fight charges against him or quit, but his predicament prompts members to campaign for leadership posts.
Even so, all but 15 of them swallowed hard and backed Speaker Jim Wright's $30 million package.
Now we move on to the fight over Speaker Jim Wright's ethics.
Speaker Jim Wright's downfall was due partly to his badgering of Federal regulators.
The plan, which rested on Speaker Jim Wright's ability to prevent a vote in the House, unraveled over the past few days.
Popular reaction against supposed impropriety was not least the undoing of Speaker Jim Wright.
Under pressure from the public, Speaker Jim Wright first announced a vote on cutting it from 50 to 30 percent.
A Texas nursing home executive said today that his company provided money to pay Speaker Jim Wright's interest on a $100,000 bank loan.
It is a role he has played before, when he traveled in 1989 to tell the nation that Speaker Jim Wright was a crook.
(Speaker Jim Wright quit under an ethics attack in 1989 before the process reached that stage.)
Speaker Jim Wright won't say whether he'll fight charges against him or quit, but his predicament prompts members to campaign for leadership posts.
House Republican leaders, in a letter to Speaker Jim Wright, suggested they wanted agreed-upon "stipulations" before working on a bipartisan budget.
Then the House will take up the overhauled trade bill under a strategy worked out by Speaker Jim Wright of Texas and other Democratic leaders.
But mindful of the fall of Speaker Jim Wright after a broad investigation, panel members disagree on the counsel's mandate.
Popular reaction against supposed impropriety was not least the undoing of Speaker Jim Wright.
Under pressure from the public, Speaker Jim Wright first announced a vote on cutting it from 50 to 30 percent.
The House, meanwhile, drifted embarrassingly for months through the troubles of former Speaker Jim Wright.
He expressed some sympathy for his counterpart in the House, Speaker Jim Wright, who took most of the hammering on the issue.
It is a role he has played before, when he traveled in 1989 to tell the nation that Speaker Jim Wright was a crook.