Rudolph Valentino was said to have had a Spanish-style home at the entrance of Salem Straits.
It is often used on (but is certainly not limited to) Spanish-style homes.
As she and Cindy pedaled away from their red-tiled, Spanish-style home, she couldn't even get excited about the prospect of a day at the beach.
The homes were built in pastel colors with flat roofs, similar to Spanish-style homes in the Los Angeles area.
She lives in Mr. Hackford's Spanish-style home and keeps a London apartment.
Once it was a quiet residential neighborhood whose narrow cobblestone streets were lined with trees and low Spanish-style homes.
Architectural plans have already been drawn for a Spanish-style home in San Diego, almost 20,000 square feet - enough room for both their families to come and spend a week.
Procter is very interested in interior decoration and antiques, putting this to practical use in the 1921 Spanish-style home that she owns in Los Angeles.
The first meeting, and many others, took place at Ms. San Pedro's Spanish-style home in Coral Gables.
The couple live in a Spanish-style home on a one-acre lot in Malibu where they operate a small vineyard.