A doorman took the car, and they entered the cool lobby of the Spanish-style building and approached the front desk.
The police academy, a pastoral complex of Spanish-style buildings, has been used to train police officers since the 1930's.
About 50,000 people make their way each year to the Spanish-style building that has been the museum's home for most of its 66-year history.
Whole streets are composed only of Spanish-style buildings from the colonial period, which is very rare in Chile.
We lived in a Spanish-style building.
The school's unique Spanish-style buildings were named after letters of the alphabet.
Six of the original Spanish-style buildings dating back to the early 20th century still stand, such as Jefferson Hall, which was built in 1900.
It was a three-story, Spanish-style building with a satellite dish on the roof.
Eleven rooms in a Spanish-style building across the street from the main cathedral.
Libagon is known for its Spanish-style municipal building.