The complaints have received wide attention in the Spanish-language press.
In the spring, Dr. Green was assailed in the Spanish-language press.
During his time in emigration, he started to publish essays in the local Slovenian, as well as Spanish-language press.
The removal of the paintings drew criticism from some Hispanic leaders and the Spanish-language press, including El Diario-La Prensa, which ran an angry editorial.
That vote and other moves that are widely perceived as anti-immigrant have been exhaustively covered in the Spanish-language press here and in other immigrant communities.
Three hundred and twenty years later, there was a thriving Spanish-language press in New York, Florida, California and the Southwest.
They melded images of their heritage with patriotic symbols of America, especially in the Spanish-language press.
The Spanish-language press was particularly exercised that Mr. Garcia Marquez could not be questioned.
Five weekly columns appear under his byline in the Spanish-language press, and he appears on four Hispanic radio programs each month.
Through the Spanish-language press, the program recruited immigrants with agricultural experience who wanted to work on and perhaps eventually own farms.