Ms. Tellet said advertisers still regarded Spanish-language advertising as critical because of the number of people who speak only Spanish.
Recently, both the Kerry and Bush campaigns announced a round of Spanish-language advertising to run in key states, including New Mexico.
MAJOR American corporations regularly broadcast Spanish-language advertising to reach the nation's fast-growing Hispanic population.
"Second, they don't have this concern when they do Spanish-language advertising."
Conspicuous Spanish-language advertising testifies to the heavy Latin American immigrant population in the area.
So, while English-language ads will feature the show's logo, Spanish-language advertising will feature pictures of the three stars.
In addition, they said, the quality of Spanish-language advertising and marketing has improved, making it more appealing for companies.
Spanish-language advertising represents 13 percent of the region's $550 million in annual ad revenue, and the bet is it will soon start to catch up with the growing Hispanic population.
"We do not automatically equate Hispanic marketing with Spanish-language advertising," he said.
Mr. Bush has starred in his own Spanish-language advertising, and he was the first president to give his weekly radio address in Spanish.