Since 1774, when the seven murals were painted, only three women had seen them, including a Spanish princess.
At their news conference, the two described how they first met at a concert in 1986 arranged for a visiting Spanish princess.
Actually, it was once a chastity belt belonging to a 14th-century Spanish princess.
On her birthday, a young Spanish princess is presented with a singing dwarf who, having never seen himself in a mirror, thinks himself very handsome.
The Dwarf believes himself to be handsome and a fit swain for the Spanish princess to whom he has been given as a birthday present.
While there remained the possibility that his father would name him heir, marriages to French and Spanish princesses had been considered.
As a part of the peace proposals, a Spanish princess was to marry James' son Henry, though this never transpired.
When she stares at you it's like a - a Spanish princess in one of those paintings, you know, a goyim.
The first Spanish nuclear submarine was launched by a Spanish princess.
You look like some kind of Spanish princess or something with your long black hair and your amazing cheekbones.