Valero was captured by a Spanish pirate, who turned him over to the Spanish authorities in Cuba.
According to this story, the Treutlen's, on their way to America, were attacked, and the father captured and imprisoned, by Spanish pirates.
'Just think what your wife would say if Spanish pirates sailed into Port Royal and burned her house around her ears.'
The Sagas tell that at this spot Spanish pirates came to land and headed for the vicarage at Höskuldsstaðir.
It did not succeed and he fled the country, but was captured by a Spanish pirate.
The Spanish pirate took off after the horses into the sugarcane fields.
This results in the villagers' sullen cooperation, but rumors and unrest begin to spread and soon the Spanish pirates find themselves facing a revolt.
The original filibusteros were Spanish and Portuguese pirates.
His coat buttons are made from recast Incan silver, and his pistol once belonged to a Spanish pirate, won in a duel.
The murder has been committed by a Spanish pirate, complete with bandana, who seems mighty proud of his skill with a gun.