It first was on a Spanish map in 1511.
Barbados was initially visited by the Spanish around the late 1400s to early 1500s and first appears on a Spanish map from 1511.
This name continued to be used for the point on Spanish maps until Mexican Independence in 1821.
Serranilla Bank was first shown on Spanish maps in 1510.
Spanish maps, explorations etc., of this and later eras were generally not published, being regarded as state secrets.
The first written record of the Everglades was on Spanish maps made by cartographers who had not seen the land.
What I started out to mention was a Spanish map of the western hemisphere, dated 17something and not very detailed.
In 1527, a Spanish map showed a settlement near the Rio de la Paz.
It sells pretty espresso drinks, unique souvenirs, books in Spanish and useful maps.
The name first appeared on a Spanish map created between 1680 and 1700.