He went on to become literate in the language, although did not achieve a perfect grasp of Spanish grammar.
A Spanish grammar for schools based on the principles and requirements of the Grammatical Society.
Within this period the first important author is Antonio de Nebrija (1442-1522), with his Spanish grammar.
These diacritics are often called acentos diacríticos or tildes diacríticas in traditional Spanish grammar.
Forty years after his exemplary life devoted to the study and teaching of Spanish grammar.
I took my friendly Spanish grammar to the library every day and tried to be polite to Jefferson when he maddened me at meals.
Spanish verbs are one of the more complex areas of Spanish grammar.
In Spanish grammars, "continuous tenses" are not formally recognized as in English.
However, within Spanish grammar, they are customarily called tenses.
Mitchell's psychic odor would fade, as surely as the Spanish grammar in the lexicon evaporated after each use.