Now they find themselves deep in debt - a drag, for the present, on the broad Spanish economy.
Between 1992 and 2001, the Spanish economy lost, on average, 271 days per 1,000 employees as a result of strikes.
It was the driving force of the Spanish economy and as a result attracted many migrant workers.
As such he performed a successful redressment of the Spanish economy and industry.
He had to report a profit immediately, in this case, the recovery of the Spanish economy.
But as the Spanish economy boomed, and stock prices climbed, few people paid much attention.
To integrate to all the sector of Spanish social economy.
In the near term, the most important thing for the Spanish economy may be maintaining the confidence of foreign travelers.
During this period, tourism became an important part of the Spanish economy.
The higher this number rises, the more strain it will put on the Spanish economy.