Within a couple of days they had paired off with English boys whom they met in the Spanish bars.
In a Spanish bar, the telly was showing the goals of the day.
But you have to consider the numismatic value of those old Spanish bars stamped with the Lion and Castle.
Tapas, the tasty small dishes traditionally served with sherries and other wines at Spanish bars, are a good light meal in warm weather.
Some houses are become in Spanish bars decorated with motifs like flags, grimaldas and posters.
Tigre is a small, quirky classic Spanish bar.
Spanish bars are also known for serving a wide range of sandwiches (bocadillos), as well as snacks called tapas or pinchos.
The best of these is a small Spanish bar.
"The Police Department wouldn't be so stupid to put an Irish guy into a Spanish bar."
S Map Two floors of tapas, tunes and trendy types; this is the biggest and best Spanish bar in town.