He was imprisoned, twice in a short space of time, for preaching about Spanish cruelties, as a way of commenting against the Spanish Match.
During the negotiations for the Spanish Match, Frederick urged his father-in-law not to go through with the Match.
This proposed marriage is known to history as the Spanish Match.
Under the circumstances, Charles ultimately declined the Spanish Match in 1624.
The Spanish Match: Prince Charles's Journey to Madrid, 1623.
Wren had previously accompanied Charles I on his journey to Spain to attempt to negotiate the Spanish Match.
Thomas Middleton's play A Game at Chess allegorizes the events surrounding the Spanish Match.
"Pretense and Perception in the Spanish Match, or History in a Fake Beard".
The play used the conceit of a chess game to present and satirise the recent intrigues surrounding the Spanish Match.
In English history, this possible marriage is known as the Spanish Match.