The President of Ethiopia, Lieut. Col. Mengistu Haile Mariam, today proposed scrapping Ethiopia's rigid Soviet-style economic system and replacing it with a mixed economy.
However, by the 1970s, critics believed Egypt's economy, with its large public sector, had evolved into a "Soviet-style system" of "inefficiency, suffocating bureaucracy, and waste."
It was re-established in 1998, after a 50-year period of during which Romania used a Soviet-style system of decorations.
There is also the danger that civil-commitment institutions will become warehouses for social misfits, employing a Soviet-style system of preventive detention based on judgments about future danger that no human institution is equipped to make.
Although this viewpoint would be condemned in 1957 when the Soviet-style legal system was rejected, in 1954 it appeared that China had taken a first step toward an orderly administration of justice.
The battle on the federal level between the executive and the legislature has been duplicated on the regional level, too, where the same Soviet-style system of legislatures was never altered.
Soon after Castro abolished professional sports in 1961, the Cuban Government instituted a Soviet-style system of academies for children with athletic ability intended to cultivate Olympic athletes.
At the same time, the Sharq government has abolished the special ministry for nationalities that carries connotations of a Soviet-style system.
Nasser's tilt toward a Soviet-style system led his aides Abdel Latif Boghdadi and Hussein el-Shafei to submit their resignations in protest.
Following the advent of the Hungarian Soviet Republic, the Revolutionary Governing Council adopted a Provisional Constitution on 2 April 1919, providing for a Soviet-style political system.