By 1960 all Soviet technicians had been recalled, taking their blueprints with them and leaving the factories to be finished as best they could be.
More than 300 Soviet technicians have left Baghdad in the last week.
The Soviet technicians made the bad mistake of using the same pads more than once sometimes, and this was noticed by American cryptanalysts.
In the early 1930s, Winkler-Koch hosted Soviet technicians for training.
His fear would have been heightened if he had seen the launch smash into the second story of an apartment building that housed Soviet technicians.
The launch itself smashes into the second story of an apartment building used to house Soviet technicians.
There are still several hundred Soviet military technicians in Iraq.
Soviet technicians helped Libya build a small research reactor at a place called Tajura.
But neither the money nor the 8,000 Soviet technicians could hide the fact that much of it was rotting away in the desert.
But they described Soviet technicians who examined the missiles as startled by the primitive workmanship.