The changes, he said, affected Soviet relations "both toward allies and toward the nonaligned movement."
This is substantially higher than the 62 percent approval rating he got on Soviet relations in May.
Soviet economic relations with non-Comecon communist states have taken the form of aid and trade.
Soviet relations with him and his regime are said to have been quite strained in recent months as the Kremlin has moved toward withdrawal.
"She is a big asset in terms of Soviet international public relations."
Diplomacy and ideology: the origins of Soviet foreign relations, 1917-1930.
He maintained an effective monopoly on Soviet relations from 1956 on, which was crucial for his continued popularity.
He found his calling at an early age in Soviet relations with the United States.
That raises grave questions about future Soviet relations with the rest of the world.
The Americans have joined the party at the very moment that Soviet relations with Europe may be taking a turn for the worse.