In recent decades, Simms's novels have fallen out of favor, although he is still known among literary scholars as a major force in antebellum Southern literature.
His tenure at Yale was marked by ongoing research into Southern literature, which resulted in the publication of Brooks' studies of William Faulkner's Yoknapatawpha County (1963, 1978) (Leitch 2001).
A chair of Southern European literatures was instituted specially for him at the Sorbonne, in 1880.
Besides, a sizable prewar Southern literature argued that racial slavery for blacks was the only alternative to eventual wage slavery, under industrialization, for a great many whites.
Ms. Winger says she was drawn to "Big Bad Love" after years of resisting Mr. Howard's entreaties to read more Southern literature.
"The Sambo stereotype was so pervasive in antebellum Southern literature that many historians, without further research, argue that it was an accurate description of the dominant slave personality."
Jimmy Lee "Jim" Chandler (born July 19, 1941) is a Southern poet (see Southern literature) and novelist from Tennessee.
Mr. Young's many books and articles on Southern writers were influential in promoting Southern literature around the world.
Her works have been translated into a dozen languages and are on the reading lists of many courses in contemporary Southern literature.
If there is a Southern literature, there must also be a Southern photography.