Its distribution goes from 35 to 42 South latitude.
It grows from 35 to 45 South latitude between 700 and 1,200 m (2300-4000 ft) above mean sea level.
It grows from 34 to 37 South latitude.
In Chile it occurs from 32 to 40 South Latitude approximately.
'Antarctica' includes all sea, land and ice shelves south of 60˚ South latitude.
The sunspots are apparent in the 100 to 300 North and South latitudes on the Sun, to our vision.
These remote islands are at roughly 50 South Latitude, constantly buffeted by strong winds.
The invitation was accepted and the Observatory was allotted the 32 -40 South latitudes.
It stretches from about 17 to 33 South latitude and between 65 and 60 West longitude, though estimates differ in this case too.
It grows from 33 to 43 South Latitude, in Chile and Argentina.