He subsequently used the Gems to take him to the Soul Gem in the astral plane.
The Gardener was later revealed to possess Adam Warlock's Soul Gem.
Thanos is finally stopped by Warlock, whose spirit emerges from the Soul Gem and turns the Titan to stone.
The player characters go on a quest to find the fabled Soul Gem, a legendary artifact of great power.
The being incapacitates the Magus, allowing Warlock to absorb the character into the Soul Gem.
The Soul Gem: A pocket dimension that exists inside the green infinity gem.
A newly empowered Warlock turns Thanos to stone and returns to the Soul Gem.
Warlock, aided by an army of superheroes, eventually defeats each in turn, and absorbs them into the Soul Gem.
In compensation, the High Evolutionary gave Him the Soul Gem.
The Magus escapes the Soul Gem in an immaterial form.