Interstate 805 serves as a bypass to Interstate 5, linking to the latter interstate in Sorrento Valley.
Approximately 40% of weekday commuters detrain at Sorrento Valley.
A train station serves Mira Mesa in Sorrento Valley and is served by the Coaster commuter train, of the North County transit district.
It is mainly used by residents to get to the subdivisions of Sorrento Valley, and by commuter cut-through traffic via Interstates 805 or 5.
It is located in the northern part of the city, east of Interstate 805, on the mesa overlooking Sorrento Valley.
Ruiz built an adobe home in the western part of the Ranch, at the eastern end of Sorrento Valley.
Passing under the Eastgate Mall arch bridge and entering Sorrento Valley, it finally meets its north end at I-5.
Residents no longer referred to the area as Sorrento Hills since nearby Sorrento Valley is filled with office parks, self-storage businesses, and a pet cemetery from the 1950s.
"Majumdar BM seeks a judgment against Mind Design Incorporated of Sorrento Valley, California."
The bus exits I-15 at Mira Mesa Boulevard and go to Sorrento Valley, providing service to employment centers there.