He has sold two original television series pilots to Sony Studios.
So at the end of the day you can go into Sony studios in Manhattan or come to my place.
The move has stirred anxiety and puzzlement at the already troubled Sony studios.
But he declined to comment on whether Mr. Roth would join the Sony studio.
Event was held at Sony Studios on May 30, 2009 and aired June 21, 2009.
Both were recorded at Sony Studios in Sydney.
The versions on The Missing Link were recorded live at Sony Studios.
Sony studios recording Try Brendan playing bass.
It was recorded at Sony Studios, Mexico.
Event was held at Sony Studios on June 2, 2012 and aired June 9, 2012.
He has sold two original television series pilots to Sony Studios.
So at the end of the day you can go into Sony studios in Manhattan or come to my place.
The move has stirred anxiety and puzzlement at the already troubled Sony studios.
But he declined to comment on whether Mr. Roth would join the Sony studio.
Event was held at Sony Studios on May 30, 2009 and aired June 21, 2009.
Both were recorded at Sony Studios in Sydney.
The versions on The Missing Link were recorded live at Sony Studios.
Sony studios recording Try Brendan playing bass.
It was recorded at Sony Studios, Mexico.
Event was held at Sony Studios on June 2, 2012 and aired June 9, 2012.