Nine Reconnaissance Satellites over the Sonora Pass, 2008.
Daring Rescue at Sonora Pass (Crossway,2003)
Yosemite is a "big maybe" now, since the Sonora Pass isn't open.
The first documented immigrant traverse of Sonora Pass appears to have been in the late summer of 1852 by a wagon train known as the Clark-Skidmore Company.
Surveying for a road through Sonora Pass began in 1863 and the road was in use by 1865.
Sonora Peak is a mountain located in the Central Sierra Nevada mountains of California north of Sonora Pass.
Ashes scattered at the top of Sonora Pass, Sierra Nevada Mountains.
Long Barn was a wagon stop along the Sonora Pass during the 1800s gold rush era.
It lies near Sonora Pass in the Sierra Nevada of California.
In early April, Highway 108 over the Sonora Pass will probably still be closed.