He and a small group of people fly to the Indian Ocean after learning that his oil rig that has been sunk after taken over by Somalian pirates.
This company has been contracted to protect Hazel Bannock and her business interest and the story unfolds when Hazel's daughter is hijacked by Somalian pirates.
Not so long ago the armed forces weren't in a position to provide a destroyer or something (I forget the exact circumstances - was it to do with Somalian pirates?)
The crew reported they thought they were being attacked by Somalian pirates, while south of the port of Aden.
The MV York is a tanker for transport of liquefied gas that after its 2010 capture by Somalian pirates has become a mothership for pirate operations.
Also in 2008, she got notice for her pictures of Somalian pirates.
The Phantom frequently fights reality based enemies in the series, such as modern day terrorists, organ-smugglers and Somalian pirates.
Somalian pirates use motherships to extend the reach of their attacking speed boats into the Indian Ocean.
(ES) Mr President, last week, three Basque tuna boats from Bermeo were threatened once again by Somalian pirates.
While on deployment the Gunston engaged and gave chase to the Golden Nori which had been hijacked by Somalian pirates.