The demonstrations helped prompt the clan elders, who are regarded as the pillars of Somali society, to act.
Islamic shari'a has traditionally played a significant part in Somali society.
Somali society is organized into clan families, which range from 5,000 to more than 50,000 in size.
Islam plays an important role in the Somali society; it is part of its heritage and culture.
Islamic leaders within Somali society were often drawn from or elevated to the noble ranks.
Without their animals, they have become the most marginalized members of Somali society.
For more than 1400 years, Islam made a great part of Somali society.
The organization structured itself loosely and was not openly visible on the political scene of Somali society.
Unlike Western states, however, Somali society surprisingly also makes a distinct separation between law and government.
In Somali society, a woman will often marry and divorce several men during her lifetime, and bear children by each of them.