The Americans said they encouraged the Somali leaders to use the start of the American military operation as a moment for reconciliation.
We will be back to normal when all the guns are collected and there is a peace agreement between the two Somali leaders.
Now, weeks later, Somali leaders say the incident has left a scar on their community of about 3,000 immigrants.
Mr. Raymond met with Somali leaders but did not apologize.
"If Somali leaders demonstrate their own commitment to peace, which is a prerequisite for development, international donors will respond," she said.
Somali leaders are due to meet in New York for cease-fire talks this week.
The weekend meeting brought together in Nairobi more than 50 Somali leaders.
But a succession of donor-funded peace conferences has failed to persuade the rival Somali leaders to put down their weapons and work together.
He said he knew that international aid donors blamed Somali leaders for not doing what they could to end the starvation.
Traditional Somali leaders and others with civilian leadership skills are starting to assert themselves.