One analyst who works closely on Somali issues said Ethiopian soldiers might have panicked after they were surrounded by insurgents in Mogadishu's main stadium and commanders responded by carpet-bombing the entire neighborhood.
I suggest the conferences shall be talked about only Southern Somali issues and try to reach substantial agreement with in the southern Somalia before it covers the over all Somalia.
I am interested about the Somali issue, particularly in politics which I personally believe it effects most on women and children, as well as I believe it's time to remove dominant men form power/politics Good luck Matt best regards!
I know how important the internet is for communication about Somali issues, both in Somalia and between the diverse Somali diaspora communities around the world.
Cheney's successors as Secretary of Defense, Les Aspin and William J. Perry, had to contend with both the Bosnian and Somali issues.
The UK main purpose for this conference is defeating piracy and Alshabab and not to solve Somali issue .
The outsiders who their interest is not the well being of Somalis but for the their own political interest can not slove Somali issue.
The outsiders who their interest is not the well being of Somalis but for the their own political interest can not slave Somali issue.