Somali conflicts and acute famine have claimed many Somali lives for the last two decades which should not have happened on our watch.
The countries fought a border war that ended in 2000 and are accused of backing rival sides in the Somali conflict.
Refugee camps in Eastern Ethiopia that house refugees of Somali conflict have placed heavy pressure on the environment and resources of Ethiopia for the past two decades, reaching a combined population of 600,000 refugees in the early 1990s.
Randall T. Khat abuse fuels Somali conflict, drains economy.
Council members declared their willingness to engage parties that were committed to a settlement of the Somali conflict, including the Islamic Courts Union.
The former President said representatives of General Aidid had contacted him in Atlanta earlier this summer, but emphasized that he was not trying to mediate the Somali conflict.
The new United Nations Secretary General, Boutros Ghali, has made resolution of the Somali conflict a top priority.
During the last few days, an important meeting has been held in Addis Ababa, attended by virtually all the most important factions, groups and parties in the Somali conflict.
One of the major warlords in the Somali conflict, General Mohammed Farah Aidid, keeps his headquarters here.
Countries that have sent peacekeepers to the Somali conflict, including Uganda and Kenya, have been the target of retaliatory Shabaab attacks that have killed dozens of people.